Anton Simm, Jablonec Nad Nisou (Gablonz). North Bohemia, Sudetenland, 1820-30, Biedermeier period. Extraordinary goblet masterfully wheel-ground with the motive of the "parable and ladder of life" attributed to the great Bohemian artist for technique, executive quality, and typical traits. Height 13.3 cm, width 8.7 cm. The goblet depicts the journey of human life from cradle to grave (Lebenstufe). 1) Kind in der Wiege (newborn in the cradle); 2) 5 Jahr ein Kind (five years old a child) 3) 10 Jahr ein Knabe (ten years old a boy) 4) 20 Jahr ein Junglich (20 years old a youth) 5) 30 Jahr ein Mann (30 years old a man) 6) 40 Jahr einVollgetan (40 years old a mature man) 7) 50 Jahr Stillstand (50 years old the "stop") 8) 60 Jahr gehts alter an (60 years old aging begins) 9) 70 Jahr ein Greifz (70 years old an old man) 10) 80 Jahr Schneeweiss (80 years old white as snow) 11) 90 anni Kinderspott (90 years old children mock you) 12) 100 Jahr Gnade bei Gott (100 years old, a grace from God). Then below, a magnificent carriage "zur Taufe" = to the baptism; on the right men carry "zum Grabe" = to the grave. In perfect condition without restorations. This type of depiction of this executive level is very rare and desirable within the Biedermeier goblets of the early period. This Bohemian work should not be confused with similar depictions on ground goblets in Bavaria around 1850, of significantly lower value.
Anton Simm, born on June 3, 1799, in Jablonec nad Nisou, a beautiful center of northern Bohemia, in the heart of the Giant Mountains region where the most beautiful Bohemian-German works of the Biedermeier period were created, was one of the greatest sculptor-grinders of glass ever to live in the world. He was introduced to this art by his father, another great grinder, Wenzel Simm. He directed a prestigious manufactory where works with religious motifs, hunting scenes, plants and animals, and rarely allegories were ground. The artist died in Jablonec nad Nisou on March 17, 1873. Literature Pasaurek - Philippovitvich, Glaeser der Empire und Biedermeierzeit, Paul von Lichtemberg, Glasgravuren des Biedermeier, pp 181-183. Glanz und Farbe, Liechtestein Museum Wien, pp. 82-83 Licht und Farbe, Rudolf von Strasser pp. 515
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