Friedrich Egermann, North Bohemia, Giant Mountains, circa 1820-25, Novy Bor (Haida). Very rare chalice, crystal fused to clear glass and amber lasurized with gold salts in geometric patterns, masterfully painted with a naturalistic subject of butterflies and insects. Painted in "Transparentmalerei", i.e. translucent enamels, combined with delicate floral motifs. Height 11.8 cm, width 8 cm. In excellent condition with no restorations. Literature: Das Böhmische Glas Band II. Passauer Glasmuseum. Brosova Buqouy, Spiegl. Gustav Pazaurek-Eugen von Philippovich, Gläser der Empire- und Biedermeierzeit, Klinkhardt Braunschweig. Arnold Busson, Biedermeier Steinglaser. Glas aus fünf Jahrhundert, Michael Kovacek, Vienna 1990. Glanz und Farbe, Liechtensteinmuseum Vienna.
Friedrich Egermann, born March 5, 1777 in Schluckenau, northern Bohemia, died January 1, 1864 in Haida (now Novy Bor), was a great glass artist, technician and entrepreneur. Of German-Bohemian ethnicity from the Sudetenland, he was one of the most important figures in the world history of glass, to whose art he dedicated his entire life. From squalid conditions of poverty, he became one of the most esteemed glass artists of the Biedermeier period, as well as a wealthy entrepreneur. He learned the basics of the art from his uncle Anton Kittel, as well as from the Kreibitzer corporation of glass painters, gilders and carvers. He studied in Saxony and practiced porcelain at Albrecht Castle in Meissen. At the age of 29, he married Elisabetta Schürer, daughter of the entrepreneur Benedetto Schürer from Blottendorf, who then financed him in his experiments and works. He initially dedicated himself to refined painting on white glass, called "milk glass" and "alabaster" glass, with which he achieved his first successes, also thanks to his experience in Meissen. From 1816, Egermann undertook experiments in dyeing glass in thin layers, up to the invention of the famous Lithyalinglas glass. Around 1820, Egermann had such success that he became the first citizen of Haida (now Novy Bor), where he built one of the most important glass factories in Bohemia. At the same time, as successor to his uncle, the master glassmaker Anton Kittel, he became administrator of the Neuhütte Röhrsdorf glassworks. The great invention of Friedrich Egermann, achieved partly accidentally through experiments, was "Lithyalinglas" glass, i.e. imitating marble and semi-precious stones (jasper, agate, lapis lazuli, etc.). This invention, obtained at the University of Technology in Vienna, earned him imperial privilege in 1829. He also invented and patented the famous ruby red color of Bohemian goblets, obtained with gold salts. Successes achieved after 16 years of hard work, with around 5,000 experiments. Thanks to the invention of "Lithyalinglas" and "Egermann ruby", he received great recognition. He was given the title of "privileged producer"; the "Society for the Encouragement of Trade in Bohemia" awarded him silver and gold medals. He was known and esteemed throughout Europe. Even today in Novy Bor (Haida) there is a glass factory dedicated to him. His artifacts are among the most expensive and sought after on the world antique glass market, mostly preserved in museums, important antique galleries and prestigious private collections.
Literature: Egermann Friedrich Austrian Biographical Encyclopedia 1815-1950 (ABL). Volume 1 - the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1957, p. 220.
In compliance with the provisions of the New Code of Cultural Heritage, the selling company provides, at the time of sale, a detailed written photographic guarantee of originality and provenance of the works sold. The data with which the works are described and then contained in the written guarantees are expressed determinations resulting from accurate and documented technical / historical / artistic investigations, even of expert importance.
Friedrich Egermann, North Bohemia, Giant Mountains. Ca 1820-25 Novy Bor (Haida). Very rare, glass fused to crystal clear and lasurizzato in amber to gold salts patterned, masterfully painted naturalistic subject of butterflies and insects. Painting "Transparentmalerei" ie translucent glazes, combined with delicate floral motifs grinding. Cm high. 11.8, 8 cm wide. In excellent condition with no restorations .. Literature: Das Glas Boemische Band II. Passauer Glasmuseum. Brosova Buqouy, Spiegl. Gustav Pazaurek-Eugen von Philippovich, Glaeser Empir und der Biedermeierzeit, Klinkhardt Braunscheig. Arnold Busson, Biedermeier Steinglaser.Glas aus funf Jahrhundert, Michael Kovacek, Wien 1990. Glanz und Farbe, Liechtesteinmuseum Vienna. Egermann Friedrich, born March 5, 1777 at Schluckenau, north Bohemia, died January 1, 1864 in Haida (now Novy Bor) was a great artist, engineer and entrepreneur vetro.Di ethnic German - Bohemian Sudetenland, was one of the figures the most important in world history of the glass, the art which he dedicated his entire life. His works are among the most expensive and sought after antiquities market world of glass, mostly preserved in museums, important antique galleries and private collections. Literature: Egermann Friedrich Biographical Encyclopedia of Austria 1815-1950 (ABL). Volume 1 - the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1957, p 220
Friedrich Egermann, Nord-Böhmen, Riesengebirge. Ca 1820-1825 Novy Bor (Haida). Sehr selten, Glas-Kristall in Bernstein klar und lasurizzato auf Goldsalze gemusterten verschmolzen, meisterhaft gemalt naturalistischen Thema Schmetterlinge und Insekten. Gemälde "Transparentmalerei", dh lässige Glasuren, kombiniert mit zarten Blumenmotiven Schleifen. Cm hoch. 11,8, 8 cm breit. In sehr gutem Zustand ohne Restaurationen .. Literatur: Das Glas Boemische Band II. Passauer Glasmuseum. Brosova Buqouy, Spiegl. Gustav Pazaurek-Eugen von Philippovich, Glaeser Empir und der Biedermeierzeit, Klinkhardt Braunscheig. Arnold Busson, Biedermeier Steinglaser.Glas aus funf Jahrhundert, Michael Kovacek, Wien 1990. Glanz und Farbe, Liechtesteinmuseum Wien. Egermann Friedrich, geb. 5. März 1777 in Schluckenau, Nordböhmen, gest. 1. Januar 1864 in Haida (heute Novy Bor) war ein großer Künstler, Ingenieur und Unternehmer vetro.Di ethnischen deutsch - böhmischen Sudetenland, war einer der Figuren das Wichtigste in der Weltgeschichte des Glases, der Kunst, die er sein ganzes Leben gewidmet. Literature: Egermann Friedrich Biographical Encyclopedia of Austria 1815-1950 (ABL). Volume 1 - the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 1957, p 220