Beautiful and important work by Carlo Carrà. Etching entitled "Head of a Woman." Numbered 23/25 in pencil, signed and dated 1924. Work with a smaller print run than the one produced in 1922, which was 60 copies. Catalog: "Carrà," Ed. Mazzotta, Page 244 No. 229. Size: In frame H 58 x W 47 / H 36 x W 25.5 cm / Sheet cm 56x42. Carrà also turned his attention to graphic work, that is, etching and lithography, producing a complex of 111 works, roughly concentrated in two fairly distinct periods: etchings between 1922 and 1928, lithographs between 1944 and 1964. Carrà, like his colleagues, at that time when there was still no interest, let alone a market, in Italy for the graphics of modern artists, etched only for an experimental search for expression and style, seeing in it the possibility of ascertaining the transposition of a graphic idea into a technique different from the usual one entrusted to pencil or ink: thus adapting the characters of line and sign to the peculiar vocation of different materials, the steel point, copper. Somewhat different, however, was the affair of litho-graphs, which came when, during the Second World War, an initial interest in graphic art and the book illustrated by modern artists was being aroused among some publishers and a certain select public.