"From One to Ten" by ALIGHIERO BOETTI, Multiple without print run, 1980
Turin 1940 - 1994 Rome
"From One to Ten"
Folder with 20 loose plates, 25x37 cm - Edition not indicated
Librogioco, multiple without print run
Folder and twenty loose boards in cardboard.
24 x 36 cm (sheet, each)
25 x 37 x 1.3 cm (portfolio)
Made in 1980. Published by Emme Edizioni, Milan; print run not stated.
Introduction by Gianni Jervis.
The colored plates range from 1 to 10: the plate with the number 1 has one color, the plate with the number 2 has two colors, up to the plate with the number 10 with ten colors.
There are 10 squared tables.
From Jervis' introduction, "What are numbers? I have a nose. I have two eyes. I know where my nose is, and I know where my two eyes are. But where does the number one belong? Where does the number two belong? Who invented them? Numbers are in so many places. They are everywhere."
Provenance: Private collection
Bibliography: - G. Maffei, "The Artist's Book," Milan 2003
- A. Moeglin-Delacroix, L. Dematteis, G. Maffei,
A. Rimmaudo, "Looking and telling",
Mantua 2004
- M. Picciau, G. Maffei, "Alighieroboetti
Tuttolibro," Rome 2004
- L. Castagno, G. Cavaglià, "The Art of the Twentieth Century and the Book," Milan, 2004
- G. Maffei, "Books and Documents. Arte Povera 1966-1980," Mantua 2007, p. 59, in color